Artistic reflection on the first circumnavigation of the globe 500 years ago

Date: October 12, 2022 from 19:30 - 22:30

Place: Representation of the European Region Tyrol - South Tyrol - Trentino,

Rue de Pascale 45-47, 1040 Brussels

 The cycle is based on Ferdinand Magellan's famous expedition to the Spice Islands in 1519-1522, during which the earth was circumnavigated for the first time. A seafaring quantum leap of tremendous audacity, but also the incipient colonial past of Europe.

On the wall objects in black and white. Five-part, the first route around the globe, in the technique ash and coal on aluminium. In the atrium, Magellan's ships, all armed, plowing their way from the Spanish Sanlucar de Barrameda around the globe. Among them the 'Victoria' - she was the only one of the five to return, on her the 18 first people with the attribute 'circumnavigated the world'.

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